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Year: 2022

Film Length: 09:19

Aspect Ratio: 4:3

Color: Black & White with Color

Director/ Script/ Editing: Chung Hong IU




That spring, there was _____ in the sky of H-ville. What is _____? No one can tell. The sudden “unknown” caused absurd and strange phenomena. The real nightmare was not the natural disaster, but the man-made one. The regime used this to implement the "state of exception". The system continued to operate. How much human value would be left?


As Giorgio Agamben stated at the beginning of the pandemic, “The epidemic has caused to appear with clarity is that the state of exception, to which governments have habituated us for some time, has truly become the normal condition.


The idea started in early 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic. But a lot of revisions were made due to the situation and my own life change.

The film is set in a sci-fi background. Rough special effects, that I am not good at, are used to create a not-too-distant future. All the dystopian elements in films and literatures are happening all around us nowadays. The so-called "future" is actually the present. Thus, could this film be considered as a critical documentary? The film starts as sci-fi, but finally an essay film.

The image of "H-ville" in the story is based on Hong Kong, but changes were made. First, it is because the phenomenon I criticize is not only in Hong Kong, but also in other places under capitalism and globalization. Secondly, Hong Kong is changing rapidly. Even the HongKongers feel unfamiliar (“jamais vu”?) and sometimes find it hard to recognize.






Film Festival:


・22nd NeMaf Seoul International ALT Cinema & Media Festival, Seoul, South Korea

・20th International Festival Signs of the Night, Paris, France

・VIII Festival Cinemística, Granada, Spain

・6th Festival internazionale Segni della Notte, Urbino, Italy


・2nd Hong Kong Film Festival (UK), London, UK

・1st Hong Kong On Screen Film Festival, Los Angeles, USA


・"Imaginable Future" Hong Kong Short Film Program 2, Yale University, USA

Experiments in Cinema V18.4, Albuquerque, USA

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​© 2017. CINETRACTS PRODUCTION. All rights reserved.

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